the best book to learn JS and Jquery [easy explained]

The Best Book To Learn JavaScript and JQuery As A Complete Beginner

JavaScript and JQuery are the most common also popular programming language and a library to learn front-end web development. it's easy to learn and simple syntax so that anyone can understand the code easily. javascript uses to interact with the client-side and it helps to make the web application dynamic and user friendly.
in another hand, JQuery is a library of javascript which is the most used library. what is a library and why do we need to learn it? 
programming library is a collection of precompiled routines. you can use the library in various ways and it makes to write code easy and short. it makes it easier for programmers to write complex and critical codes in only a few lines of code so programming library saves a lot of time.

and reading books are the most effective way to learn something new. there is no best alternative to learn something than reading a book.
in today's world, we don't have to depend on physical books and carry a book with us. having a device such as a smartphone or a computer is enough to read something because of the digital format of books and its called e-book cause of the technology we can easily read any books we want on our device's screen.

here is the best book to learn javascript and jquery and it is easy explained so for beginners this book is the best choice to follow

Table of Content

Introduction                                           1
Chapter 1: The ABC of Programming 11
Chapter 2: Basic JavaScript Instructions 53
Chapter 3: Functions, Methods & Objects 85
 Chapter 4: Decisions & Loops 145
Chapter 5: Document Object Model 183
Chapter 6: Events 243 Chapter 7: jQuery 293 
Chapter 8: Ajax & JSON 367
Chapter 9: APIs 409 
Chapter 10: Error Handling & Debugging 449
Chapter 11: Content Panels 487 
Chapter 12: Filtering, Searching & Sorting 527
Chapter 13: Form Enhancement & Validation 567
 Index 623 



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